Friday, February 22, 2013

Google Announced its Ultra Hires Display Chromebook Pixel

The newest and much talked about notebook to run Google Chrome OS is Chromebook Pixel. It was rumored earlier this month that Google is getting ready to release a high end Chromebook which was confirmed earlier when Google announced it in a press event in San Francisco.

It is was indeed high end and undeniably the top Chromebook to date compared to other Chromebooks produced by other Google partners like Samsung, Acer, HP and Lenovo which all commonly priced at $300. It boasted a screen resolution of 2560 by 1700 pixels per inch, the highest so far by any laptop. High enough compared to Apple's "retina" display. Google's Sundar Pichai says that users will never ever see another pixel with Chromebook Pixel.

The 12.5 inch touchscreen display has an aspect rationof 3:2 (taller than typical wide display laptops). Google emphasized the need for more height mainly for scrolling vertically lengthy pages.

Google will also provide special web apps that will utilize its touchscreen display, like the Google+ centric photo sharing service. Third party developed web services and sites are also in the works for the new Chromebook Pixel.

The 3.35lb aluminum body Pixel is similar to the Apple MacBook Air looks only with distinct textured finish.

Inside, it is powered with a 1.8ghz Intel Core i5 processor, paired with DDR3 4GB RAM and a solid state 32GB hard drive (SSD) including a 3-year 1TB cloud storage in Google drive.

Capping the specs inside its 16.2mm thic and 1.5kg body are 2 USB ports and an HD web camera. It also boast a 5-hour battery life.

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